LPC Borough Teams



LSL LPC has appointed local teams within the Committee, who are available via the following email addresses to provide support to pharmacy contractors/pharmacies

Team Lambeth:

Shinali McCusker (Lead) sefgroveltd@googlemail.com
Trang Dinh ttdinh99@hotmail.com
Bhaveen Patel bhaveenp@yahoo.co.uk
Ramesh Bhadresha rbhadresha@hotmail.com


Team Southwark:

Atul Patel (Lead) atulpatel1@nhs.net
Valender Ubhi Valender.01.ubhi@boots.co.uk
Lara Amusan lara_amusan@hotmail.co.uk
Qasim Mohamedbhai  Qasim@daylewisplc.co.uk


Team Lewisham:

Darshan Negandhi (Lead) darshan.negandhi@nhs.net
Salim Jetha salim@lgpharm.demon.co.uk
Al Patel contactal1@nhs.net
Dhara Patel dhara.patel2@nhs.net